Partner Look - By The Book

Listening to 95bFM was the pathway of discovery for Partner Look. Heard the same titled song as the band name, Partner Look in the end of 2021 and put their new album By The Book on the list to keep an ear on for it's release in early 2022. At that time there was only one song available to hear. Hope of the entire album being as good as what the radio bestowed swirled with skepticism of how could all tracks be that good. When the full release became listenable on bandcamp, hope was the winner. By The Book is stellar, all songs filled with beautiful energy ready to be heard on continual repeat.

The Auckland station 95bFM has a close proximity connection to Partner Look. The band resides not to far away  in Melbourne, Australia. To make this even more worldly, Partner Look ads German roots with sisters Ambrin and Anila Hasnain. And the label, Trouble in Mind, where the physical copies are available is from Chicago. Not sure where their partners Dainis Lacey and Lachlan Denton are from? Most likely one is from Australia. They have a very good description of their inception and how the album came to be on the bandcamp page, so no real need to rewrite that for here. Also, By The Book ties back to so much from past styles and eras, no need for those comparisons as well since finding strength in what inspires is a formula of love.
The twelve songs on this debut are really incredible. They reach back into time, focusing and propelling sonic clarity into the magic of brilliant pop. By The Book is by no means a recreation of what once was, their innovation and ability to change approach for each track holds listener's in a blissful state. Lead singers step forward then join together, tempos shift gears, sentiment sways from pop grooves to touches of melancholy, songs lead you one way just a little and then whisk you away to warming radiance. The true beauty of By The Book is every track is as good as the first one heard on 95bFM. With every listen, another selection moves into the favorite spot. By The Book is filled with adept craftsmanship at every level, be prepared to have your go to album of 2022 already in hand.
The album is released by the label Trouble In Mind out of Chicago coming together with the label Spunk/Osbourne Again from Australia. This is an early February release with all formats still currently available. Of course, baby blue vinyl was the pick used for this description, black vinyl and compact disc are also available. 

Thank you Partner Look, you all created something very special.

 Partner Look - instagram
