Foreign Body Sensation & Justin Maranga - Subterranean Environments

Two heavy weights in sounds from every direction, both working together to compose Subterranean Environments. Foreign Body Sensation (Louie Schultz) & Justin Maranga have joined creative energies to catalyze a lengthy phantasm of oblique realities. Places where introspection and dreams blur to become warm radiance within the spirit. Slow breath from the cosmos heaves an instinctive rhythm held deep within our construct. Distant stars scintillating like gentle chimes bumping together in the faintest breeze. Planetary rumbles from molten cores mirroring empty burned out centers from their distant siblings. A natural orchestra of untouchable beauty finding affinity within our hearts.   
Subterranean Environments includes four lengthy tracks, all casting a serene and sparkling slowly whirling energy around each listener. Thoughts have grandiose space to contemplate and dream, Louie Schultz and Justin Maranga making sure this is sonic nourishment for the consuming conscious. Subterranean Environments is the dazzling crystal clear pool so many meters beneath the earth. We imagine how untouched and undisturbed it rests, mirroring part of our most inner self. The last track with guest Mollie Weaver is a favorite. Ethereal vocals turning sonic ambience into majestic vibrancy.
 Released on the label Dune Altar from Los Angeles. Cassettes are currently available. This is the first collective work between Foreign Body Sensation & Justin Maranga, hopefully more will come.


Dune Altar - bandcamp
Foreign Body Sensation - bandcamp 
Justin Maranga - instagram
