Luurel Varas - Riddles For a Machine

Hazy Saturday morning, the week's swell of stuff to get done is receding into the vast ocean of life. Left now with deciding on what attempt at fun to do or how get undone things done.... Riddles For a Machine lands in the cassette deck. Thoughts systematically turning from page to page derail into a new book entirely. Most easily said, "this was needed". More correctly said, "thank you Luurel Varas". Your sonic landscape is filled with mysterious details, vivid purring vibrancy slowly moving in currents of natural energy. 
Many times describing sounds is difficult. There is love and beauty in most everything we hear, especially in the world of labels like Crash Symbols and the woven microcosm connected listeners find interest in. The challenge of trying to really hear and couple this with an affinity of written thoughts seems to lurk with ominous potency. Riddles For a Machine dispelled this feeling and allows for the transposition of thought to written word with delightful ease. Luurel Varas has channeled cosmic radiance. The underlying orgone gently stirred to bubble and swirl with sonic fascination. Like a hand dragged through crystal clear water, the disturbance of settled energy drips with a beckoning allure. All the way through these twelve tracks... a beautifully crafted perfect balance of serenity and electrifying seductiveness. 

Released by Crash Symbols in an edition of one hundred and fifty cassettes. This is the third release by Luurel Varas on Crash Symbols. Both Leisure Time and New World are available to listen, but physical copies have been sold out long ago. Most certainly, Riddles For a Machine will follow this path.


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