German Army - An Era of Absolutes

With a small step to the side, German Army disappears into the aural landscape. What remains are the deteriorating echos, the emptiness of saturated space and the whisper of sounds etched in to current civilization. An Era of Absolutes is this composition for German Army. Dialing down driving industrial rhythms to expose the massive sonic erosion the project has carved in years past. The sounds within are whitewash from the pounding waves that are German Amy's forte. The underlying current remains strong but An Era of Absolutes seems to focus on both the ethereal and the leaden sensations for the ear. Places beyond the fringe of everyday listening, places where droning static numbs the mind and deep shuttering vibrations turn us around. As part of the prolific catalog German Army has created, this composition is a beautiful resting place for conscious rejuvenation. We could only wish for a double or triple cassette filled with similar emotion. For now, repeat listens of  An Era of Absolutes will suffice most enjoyably.   
Cassette editions are released on the Italian label A Flooded Need. This is the second release by German Army on the label, the first from 2022 titled Then Is Now, an edition of sixty long sold out tapes. This is a very cool label with some heavy sounds. Most of the releases are sold out in the physical, but the project Nocturnerror has a compact disc titled LOYALTY available for purchase. Found some time to listen to this release and there is strong appeal. Also, the descriptive writer for the releases on A Flooded Need is excellent. Wanted to take the words for An Era of Absolutes and copy paste them for Lost In A Sea of Sound :)


German Army - bandcamp - instagram
A Flooded Need - bandcamp - instagram
