The Big Nest - Ataraxia
Ataraxia ia a complex album with many different tones and timbers. The filament holding the diversity together is the continued undertone of simply rockin' out. Beyond everything else materializing and whirling through, Mitch Dion behind the drums and Ethan WL with bass and guitar, have composed selections with classic power and rhythm. Sometimes feedback and static burn with saturating radiance, and then a track like "Treacherous " plays through. A calculating mathed out onslaught of pop and metal, amazing in itself but only a small part of an intriguing entire entity. Most definitely, every selection is excellently composed in it's own unique construct. "Your Smiling Face" is the most ambient of all selections and is also very beautiful. "Parodos" with the harmonium is the heavy anchor as the final track. This is also the longest selection, pushing the spirit into fine accord.
Released on Drongo Tapes out of Seattle, Washington in cassette format. This is an edition of seventy with less than ten copies remaining, but still available from the label.
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