Castle Anthrax - s/t

The horn bellows deep within the mist filled forest. A drone of ambient darkness charges the dense molecular atmosphere. The conscious braces for a myriad of sonic fascinations and Castle Anthrax delivers with beautiful resonance. The sounds within balance with meditative blissfulness and ratcheted experimental extremes. Tuba and chimes on the second track titled "glow-worm" saturates thoughts while pulling in infinite directions. Familiar sonic footholds seem to swirl beneath as tumultuous sounds billow out as thick smoke from the fire. The is a connection to the forest in these tones. Breathing passages emanating deep within the tangled woods. We listen from the edge, intriguing sounds build from hidden places far within both vision and light. The special gorgeousness is the patience of Castle Anthrax to temper being overwhelming but still heighten awareness to perfect accord. Far within the impenetrable density an unknown world thrives, beckoning those afar like the sirens form Ulysses in another time and place. 
Released on the Seattle, Washington label Drongo Tapes in a cassette edition of seventy. Only five copies remain at the time this is written. 



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