Seeded Plain - Flying Falling

Seeded Plain vibrates the earth. A giant amalgam of intense creations taking various strides and fluctuating paces. With each step, the complete weight of this combined entity sending concussive waves through the core. Appendages clank, rattle, insides gurgle and spew, another motion forward causing similar but alternate reactions. In some distant context there is rhythm, not as it's currently understood, but a complicated pattern stemming from two spirits. Sounds emanating with currents of energy, fueled by unadulterated creativity. The desire to build and compose what can not be mapped, a place journeyed to only once. Flying Falling is the recorded memory, an fortunately it can be played again.

Bryan Day and Jay Kreimer are the duo comprising Seeded Plain. They have been working on this project for over ten years, steadily releasing their sonic pliability. This is just the content of both Bryan and Jay working together. A very small sum of individual and other cooperative projects, not to mention exhibits, art shows and workshops. With a wide range of various involvements, their Seeded Plain relationship has endured. Producing the newest collaboration titled Flying Falling, a sixty minute tape containing eight tracks. Their sounds are derived from beautifully crafted thoughtfully personal instruments. The aural output is beyond these words, so take a look and listen here for a few examples of these graceful creations...

Bryan Day's Whisker Rail Instrument

Jay Kreimer's "String Barge"

Bryan Day's Ball Tilt Deluxe

Jay Kreimer made this "FireHorn" from a fire that destroyed his workshop / library

Here are some pictures of their newest cassette on the label eh? Copies are currently available and well worth exploring. Here is the link. A good sound system and slightly higher volumes makes this pretty incredible to hear.

Music Samples

Public Eyesore / eh? site - facebook