Qoa - Tupungatito

In the maze of conduit, sounds move without concern for the world around them. A repeating note joined through a tributary to the flow of more, all dividing as the pathway splits. These singular sounds are both stretched and compacted, creating sustained electronic drone or the most brief vitriolic pulse. But there is nothing harsh in Tupungatito, this world exist within a sphere emotions do not leave or enter. Like molecules in a chemical process or ants behind the glass of an ant farm, listeners are fortunate to hear what exist inside.

Qoa is Nina Corti from Buenos Aires. Her sounds are part of both the visual and sonic work she creates. With performances and presentations around the world, Nina Corti has developed a well received art form. On this composition titled Tupungatito, Nina embodies the vast interconnections of lava tubes on the northernmost historically volcano in the southern Andes. Her sounds instill thoughts of timeless activity inside places that will forever remain unexplored. A beautiful cadence holds all ten tracks in tranquil stasis, with only a few bubbles of electronic mastery spilling over. Nina's creative patience transforms into the true beauty of Tupungatito. A canvas that could easily turn chaotic, but never does. Complexities fusing together, new sounds melting thoughts with interest as previous notes harden in perpetuity. A composition easily repeated with much delight.

Released on the most respected glacially paced Fluere Tapes label from Stockholm, Sweden. Tupungatito was their forth and final release for 2019. All of Fluere Tapes release for last year are still available, the the quantities are only a few for each. Tupungatito was released in an edition of fifty, currently only five cassettes remain.

Qoa has many releases on the bandcamp that are well worth exploration. 

Fluere Tapes site - bandcamp - facebook
Nina Corti - bandcamp
