nyxy nyx - Spirit Exchange

Sounds transporting us through past and future decades. Spirit Exchange rest in the nexus of time, where genres collide and fuse into something beyond, melodies glistening with psychedelic sparkles. Lazily laying on green grass in the park, these inflections have always been here, while beats and effects materializing from future rhythms. Spirit Exchange is pure delicate fashioned creativity. A nostalgia kept vibrant and strong, simultaneously an element of new and absolutely fresh.

These tracks have incredible fluidity, an innocence propelled by love, growth building towards wisdom. Fifteen selections in total slowly unfolding under a fully articulated length. The first track titled "Let's Be Kids" seems to sum up the general attitude. But the context of what unfolds in the writing of each song, are experiences of life past the point of being young. Written, played and sung with care and warmth, there is a prevalent underlying lament back to the pureness of thing in a world still being discovered. "I Pine for Her", "Spirit Exchange" and "Maryjane" are good examples, touching on the melancholy nature of the whole. These selections are offset by a more upbeat punch, tracks like "In The Pastures" and "Courtney" with a little slip into a Velvet Underground tone. Brighter songs morphing away to "Trash Castle", then the remembrance of "Judy" and the ethereal "Pink Coulds". A well balanced delivery. One striking feature of Spirit Exchange is it's over saturation in sonic delivery. For example, "I'm Apart" works on capturing deeper feelings, but the recording becoming warped with all that went into it. "Memory Street" has a similar wobble, like the recording was recovered and revived from years ago. An excellent sonic tweak resembling the imperfections we all share, everything with a chip or a crack.

nyxy nyx has been making music for almost twenty years. A continuing project of Brian W. Reichert, and on Spirit Exchange, help from Ben Schurr, Levi Christian Flack, and Maura Pond. Everyone a BLIGHT. Records heavy. If you have not listened to nyxy nyx before, Spirit Exchange is the place to start. This is an accomplished collection of written and performed songs, all pushing to the thought of what has come before.

A BLIGHT.Records cassette release scheduled for March 6th. Pre-Orders are up on bandcamp now.
Be careful, Spirit Exchange could get stuck in the tape deck for a while. 


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nyxy nyx - bandcamp 
