Massimo Ricci - Tracey Feels Worse

First Listen:
Emptiness exists when all things are removed. Sounds by Massimo Ricci surf the borders of this vacuum. There is difficulty in knowing if Tracey Feels Worse is a shuttering sonic breath at the final stages of all energy being drained? Are these sounds relevant to the chemical combination at the beginning, or is this the essence of existence melted down and channeled to our ears? Massimo Ricci could have these answers or be laughing at the misdirection of the above thoughts since this could be just a modified recording of his oscillating house fan.     

Before the Second Listen:
After a long walk in the rain with the dog, impressions of Tracey Feels Worse continued to echo in thoughts. Thinking about this composition for most of the hike, there was no revelation to come back and pen connecting these words to Massimo Ricci's body of sonic work. For some reason i did think about holding my Dad's hand when he passed away five years ago and this made me appreciative. Then, maybe i understood a little... Massimo Ricci pushed these sounds out after a long period of time, many years. And at this point there is no sense in deciphering how they were made or even why this composition came to be. An artist creates for their own reasons, those who spend time to absorb this energy create new connections the artist will never know. 
Second Listen:
Tracey Feels Worse holds a basking energy. The ominous tones lend towards lost souls searching for the way to move on. But this is only from being "conditioned" as a music listener. Why are major keys associated with bright and happy while minor keys bring the ghosts about? This composition has neither, but in the same aspects of key association, the sounds within Tracy Feels Worse are generally more connected with desolation than a garden of flowers glowing in sunlight. Still trying to reverse the condition sound of associations, but this will require therapy.
Third Listen:
The thirty five minutes of sounds Massimo Ricci has composed is never uncomfortable, but listening through these few times has made the composition more comfortable with the surrounding world. It is difficult to pull associations or descriptions holding values in the natural world, but i am going to... Tracey Feels Worse is an island surrounded by both fog and jagged seas. We can experience this aural anomaly from the safe distance provided. Wondering what lives on this island will escort thoughts in new directions, promote conversations of shallow incite and wild conjecture. The true value of  Massimo Ricci's composition is the exemplary place it exposes in the need to both qualify and quantify everything. After spending time both listening and attempting to describe the sounds within, Tracey Feels Worse has clearly taught me some sounds are for expanding thoughts not mental compartments. 
Released on compact disc by Elevator Bath out of Austin, Texas two weeks ago. This is a super limited edition of one hundred and fifty. Here is the link to Massimo Ricci's site Touching Extremes. Copies of his debut album can be found at Elevator Bath or from contacting Massimo in Italy at touchingextremes(at)gmail(dot)com.


Massimo Ricci's site Touching Extremes
