Seth Kasselman - Analogous Fools

If you are this good of a writer, there is going to be trouble with saying something more profound....
Straight From  Seth Kasselman bandcamp description"
"Provisional plans and handshakes in frame, Analogous Fools is a song cycle to be played fast and loose. Gleeful splices in the backseat, everything unfolds in newspaper time. Though not entirely remiss of imposed form, these pieces are empirical by nature, taking pages from cloud formations and tuned with subtle exuberance. Unhurried with brevity; the sum is an ever-evolving set of miniatures, manipulated by the promises we make to ourselves, the delusion of advancement, the 8 hour shift between bureaucracy and the moon."
A wide spectrum of sounds catches a listeners ear like a vibrant rainbow. When the conditions are all satisfied, the sense of wonder takes hold. Analogous Fools pulls from subterranean droning depths and reaches to the eccentric ethereal. Thoughts are pulled in conscious balance, deep resonating patterns of reflective creativity and obscure chaos of spiritual saxophone. We drift to either side as intensities shift, but the captain is only providing a closer listen. The path is always true and calm into the heart of splendor. And finally the end waits for the next pass through, a new awakening. 

Cassettes are available from Seth Kasselman's bandcamp page. An edition of one hundred with physical copies expected to ship out at the end of March. And to throw some more weight on Analogous Fools, mastering is by M. Geddes Gengras who goes all the way back to early Stunned releases.


Seth Kasselman - bandcamp
