Tone Guide 2022 by Ephem-Aural

 Need help with understanding a world of guitar pedals? This cassette has the mystifying world covered. As a neophyte, there is more than just a bit to learn. This is big and their are many experienced and talented people who have working knowledge beyond measure. Pictures, pictures, pictures are what helps me the most. Went ahead and cross referenced each song on Ephem-Aural's Tone Guide 2022 with the guitar pedal being used for this track. The caption will link you to the track so you will know what pedal is transforming the sonic world. Guitar samples have names for reference after them. Nine unique pedals over nine amazingly different tracks.
The concept of the composition might be out there for listeners, but why should learning be painful and tedious? Ben Dumbauld has taken on the task and done all the work. Now the experience is nothing but sonic delight. He has also packaged this valuable resource on shimmering crystal purple cassettes. Not sure how many there are in this Ephem- Aural edition, but there are four different shell designs. Just another bit of love from the label! 
I am not sure how to get copies of this release now. Will update with future information.

BOSS Metal Zone Distortion - Ola England

Kingtone Minifuzz GE - Buddy Blues

MXR Phase 90 - Jamey Arent

EHX Electric Mistress Analog Flanger - Lee Wrathe

Mooer Tender Octaver - Bill Vencil

Ephem-Aural - bandcamp
