Leslie Keffer - Reverie

Turning the dial has become a quintessential operation for modern civilization. A mainstay for such a long time, the physical function has finally reached the end stages and is becoming obsolete. Rotary phones replaced by push buttons and again replaced by flat screens, analog radio dials replaced by buttons for digital control and then slowly phased out in modern use. But unlike so many dials that have come and gone, the radio dial was the first to connect everyday people with a world outside of their own. A place of music, news, stories, a modern fireplace that spoke to us as the vacuum tubes glowed with a rich orange red warmth. And in between the wavering clarity, rest the chaos of static. Benign white noise that sometimes roars with violent frequency, at times so disturbing that electronic engineers developed the noise muting FM receiver. Eliminating the hissing noise in between stations. This high pitched drone is undesirable for the radio operator, but not for Leslie Keffer. 

Reverie is Leslie Keffer's exploration into the un-tuned world of radio frequencies. Leslie's aural landscape is crafted with inestimable interest and artful skill. From the notes on No Part Of It's bandcamp page, Reverie is a collection of recordings made after Leslie Keffer's first solo release in 2003 titled Dielectric Lull. The recordings on Reverie were entwined in the period of time where Leslie preformed live, using the both unknown sources and the of energy audience to channel sounds being received. The peak of her interest is the steering of sounds within the received frequencies by "conscious" external energies. This being everything from Leslie herself, the listening audience, spirits, or even other worldly influences. At times the droning static is like rows of crops, manipulated by disembodied presences, using focused energy to form patterns and in radio sounds, voices. Also, channeling the feelings of the audience and allowing the process to move forward without her assistance. There are eight selections on Reverie. They are beautifully cultivated, far from the intensely harsh sonic storms they easily could be.        

Released on No Part Of It in a compact disc edition. Housed within jewel case and full color art. There is also a bundle deal with Leslie Keffer's Perceive compact disc and No Part Of It has a larger bundle opportunity of five in print releases.  


Leslie Keffer - bandcamp - twitter
