Imelda Marcos - Agita

The future holds ports in back of necks connecting to brain stems. Conduits plug in and a sonic rush of energy flows seamlessly into neural paths. Eyes open wide and awareness peaks to hypersensitive levels. Agita is this caffeinated aural purity. Two artists creating a massive blast wave, a force of energy washing through brain and body leaving thoughts zeroed out and expressions tilted slightly with grins of delight. Rhythms moving like alien spacecraft, there is no earthly explanation of the propulsion behind these fantastic sounds.
With five compilations in the catalog for Imelda Marcos, Agita is the third consecutive release on Already Dead Tapes and Records. The label and band have found harmony in producing recordings for a world of thirsty listeners. The two previous releases on Already Dead have sold out from the label, Tatlo from 2019 and Albularyo from 2022. Both releases had second editions, Tatlo selling out it's second run and Albularyo with some remaining on the Imelda Marcos bandcamp page. At the end of 2023 Agita arrives, a much more savory and condensed offering for the sub atomic revolvings of the two musicians. Listen to Tatlo amd Albularyo and you will know. For the pure spirited and determined sound of Imelda Marcos, Agita is the recording to start with. It is short though, only four tracks on this EP, but each selection holds a glowing nucleus of sonic clarity and intenseness. Have done a lot of night driving listening to Agita on repeat, freakin' "a",  so good.

As mentioned, released on Already Dead Tapes and Records in an edition of one hundred. Only seventeen copies remain at the time this is written. Gonna sell out, so second edition? Don't wait to find out.


