The Electric Nature - Plastic Mind

In the storage bins, on the shelves or hidden within digital memory, recorded sound waiting patiently to be found and experienced again. Plastic Mind, the new release by The Electric Nature has been abiding in one these places. Music that was made and set aside for other projects, responsibilities and new interest pathways. With some effort and attention, Michael Potter and a mastering heavy Grant Richardson, have taken these archived sounds a composed a fluidly gorgeous body of work. Plastic Mind is on a far different groove branch than something like the newer The Skies Parted And All The Angels Fell From Heaven, an Eiderdown Records title by The Electric Nature. The are some connections though, the title track "Plastic Mind" has full guitar freedoms as well as the last and longest selection "Space Face". But much of this composition has a wavering dub and industrial feel to it. The opening track "Junk" reminded me of a track from 936 by Peeking Lights. This dissolved slightly with the next selection as the pace slowed and the conscious opened resurfacing just as much again in "Dumbstep". The clincher was second to last track "The Land of Nod", a deeper current with some beautiful grooves. "Plastic Mind" is a great choice for the title, If they ever remake Logan' Run, this should be the badass theme for the newer version, the Jerry Goldsmith soundtrack was so out of place. I guess Richard Strauss' Also sprach Zarathustra, Op. 30 was a long resonator for sci-fi movies, but now i am off subject.... 

Get this cassette from Already Dead Tapes and Records. The Electric Nature is currently on tour and would really be worth going to see. Probably have cassettes with them, but they can also be ordered from Already Dead Tapes and Records. This is an edition of one hundred and fifty that just came out in the first few weeks of April.


The Electric Nature - bandcamp
