Greening Lambourne - Desert City on Film

The breeze moves leaves and branches in gentle chaotic rhythm. The human mind overlaying patterns, since even the most subtle tumultuous motions need stable reasons. With this new release by Greening Lambourne titled Desert City on Film, gently paced rhythms are firmly in place. So sublime and euphonious, the sounds within become the patterns we overlay. The selections within Desert City on Film are tremendously appreciated. This composition is the radiant sunshine when needed, or the cloudy and cool misty day. The glowing moonlit midnight walk or refreshing cool pools of water on hot humid days. Greening Lambourne lights a sonic fire of of aural character and feeling, a place to sit by the hearth and equally the torch to navigate new pathways with. 
Just under forty five minutes in length divided between seven tracks, Desert City on Film has a lengthy amount of time to wonderfully saturate the conscious. With transitions from uplifting and engaged Valparaíso to the more sparse and ambient La Cienga Station, the sound flow pivots with delightfully fluid motion. A thoughtfully constructed composition taking our ever fluctuating attention spans into account. Listening to Desert City on Film comes with much nostalgic delight, Lost in a Sea of Sound had the appreciated experience of diving in and writing about Thought LEADER & Thought PARTNER, a twin release by Greening Lambourne back in 2018. Both of these were limited cassette runs of twenty each, long sold out.

Desert City on Film is released on a very limited forty edition cassette issued by Greening Lambourne. Tapes are currently availble from the their bandcamp page. These will not last to long, everything the project has produced has sold out in physical form.


Greening Lambourne - bandcamp
