Temporal Waves - s/t

When the tabla or sitar are used outside of Indian classical music, expectations and thoughts jumble with mild trepidation. In their own distinction, few other instruments carry the weight of a beloved form of sound cultivated over many devout generations. The tabla and sitar, for good or bad are synonymous with ragas and the beauty they bestow. From this singular experience, only one sitar player has made the leap successfully, Amancio, D'Silva. With repeated listens to Temporal Waves, Shawn Mativetsky has wonderfully moved the tabla to completely new realms. One of few creative musicians finding a sublime melodiousness in the thoughtfulness of beginning new directions.   
Unlike D'Silva's album Sapana, an exploration of worldly jazz, Temporal Waves glows like a distant beacon in a future world of electronic walls and floating floors. Sonic mysteries moving within conscious thought, like solar systems turning as watch gears in a galaxy viewed through a crystal lens. The tabla playing takes many forms, driving rhythmic weight of a chiptune fueled landscape to the ominous drums from a distant native planet. There are moments of introspection as sounds become the canvas of daydreams. There are playful energies like gusts of wind stirring a refreshing sonic melody. Then there is the deeper and heavy compositions as on the longest track "Sprawl Tonight". The most notable impression is the august equipollence of Shawn Mativetsky's tabla and the sonic landscape it plays across. All aspects of Temporal Waves beautifully churn with mesmerizing fluidity. Sounds for the mind to roam unbound. 

Released on People | Places | Records out of Toronto, Ontario and Linear Fade Records. Shawn Mativetsky also lives in Canada making this a special release for both label and artist. There are three physical mediums for Temporal Waves, cassette, vinyl and compact disc. All are currently available from the Temporal Wave's bandcamp page.


People  Places Records - bandcamp
