Kari Watson - enclosures

Teetering on a precipice beyond measure, the world below wanes focus. Strings from Kari Watson's Enclosures composition hold the conscious in relative place. Guy wires descending out of sight to a surface of both serenity and tumult. Thoughts pulled like a bow in directional chaos, each measure a counterweight providing listening stability. Resonance ascending from below, aromas from an immense cauldron being stirred over time. Enclosures is a beautiful composition of aural balance. Kari Watson explores the sonic fringe with crystalline acuity, sounds so patient and decisive, we listen on the edge to hear each new archaeological excavation and temporal rift. This body of work has many artists with various instruments contributing. Each selection with a different arrangement and many recorded in varying places. For a full description, read deeper into the bandcamp page
Released on compact disc by the Texas label Sawyer Editions. Beautiful sounds with equally beautiful presentation. Physical copies are currently available from the label. 


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