Andrew Anderson - Vagrancies

The tinsel strength of sonic waves is exposed. Long droning passages play like centuries old pipes from a cathedral organ. Gone are the brilliantly crafted sheets of written music, they have hovered above the black and white rows of keys for a timeless expanse. A new growth covers them. Beautiful sonic pixels of vibrant colors housed within a microscopic nettle covering. Rows of brass pipes now echoing the breath of conscious' new attune as a calibrated instrument sounds outside the design parameters. This cathedral organ groans with a morning awaking, like a giant, both beautiful and massively overwhelming simultaneously. The tinsel strength of sonic waves holds more than man's mightiest musical instrument. The entire physical world is it's canvas, sound in nature and industrial depths combine with creative conscious. If only Bach had more methods of conveyance. The trade of composed meticulous musical notes for the flow of sound itself is heard through the same evolutionary mechanical process. The mind connecting the source from raw origin beginnings to decomposed ends. Vagrancies holds all of these thoughts in blissful stasis, real emotion circulating within its tracks. 
Andrew James Anderson has been creating music for close to a decade, at least that would be the guess from the first release in his bandcamp catalog. This composition titled Vagrancies is a debut for Andrew Anderson on Elevator Bath and what a good place to be for this level of sound. Vagrancies gently spills over the thresholds of droning ambience. Like water cascading over a rock outcropping, the lulling lap of the benign flow is only momentary. Before and soon to come again are tumultuous roars. What we hear now holds chaotic energy between palms cupped together. Andrew Anderson only letting fragments of sonic might escape with controlled wisdom. Vagrancies includes eight tracks, four longer length selections followed directly after by shorter, almost intermission pieces. The fusion and implosions of field recordings, analog recordings, a wide selection of instruments and sound devices holds all the cards for interesting diversity. But this sonic armament alone are only pieces to be used. Andrew Anderson has a special creativity to compose music on the razor sharp edge of light and dark. Both emotions are present through the entire album, creating a mesmerizing space to ignite thoughts.

This is a compact disc release in a six panel digipak. The photography used was done by Andrew Anderson and the layout by Colin Sheffield. Thor Harris is a guest on the title track "Vagrancies" with much work being contributed. There are only one hundred and fifty in this Elevator Bath edition. Andrew Anderson has a lot to explore on his bandcamp page after you get Vagrancies ordered.

Andrew Anderson - bandcamp
